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Chapter 9 – Provisions specific to OIOs

Table of Contents

Article 9.1 Employment, nature and extent of the work

  1. The aim of the employment of an OIO is for the OIO to carry out scientific research and publish the results of this research in a in a dissertation, in a technological design, or in one or more scientific productions.
  2. The employment is fixed-term for a specified period of no longer than four years and for the full working hours.
  3. Upon commencement of the employment, in derogation to the provisions of paragraph 2, and with aim of determining the OIO’s suitability, one-time employment of no longer than eighteen months can be entered into, which can be extended once to a maximum of four years.
  4. OIOs spend at least 90% of their working hours on research and on the training and supervision that they receive.
  5. OIOs may be charged with other duties, including teaching, for no more than 10%.
  6. OIOs cannot be charged with management duties.
  7. For part-time employment the extension of employment is proportionate.

Article 9.2 Provisions on extension for OIOs with an employment contract

  1. The fixed-term employment may be extended after four years if the employer believes there is reason to do so.
  2. The maximum term of this extension is of one year. The number of these extensions shall not exceed two.
  3. The employer extends the fixed-term employment for:
    a. The term of pregnancy or maternity leave taken
    b. The term of (additional) paternity leave taken
    c. The term of parental leave taken
    d. The prevailing arrangements on time management within the framework of membership of the works council (in accordance with article 18 of the Works Council Act) or for special leave  granted for membership of the local consultation (in accordance with article 5.9)
    e. the term that the person involved has worked part-time (pro rata),
    if the promotion has not been completed within the term of the employment contract.
  4. If in the employer’s opinion the period referred to in paragraph 2 does not do justice to the particular and pressing circumstances of the individual OIO, the employer may agree to a third extension up to a maximum of six months.

Article 9.3 Remuneration of OIOs

  1. OIO’s will be paid according to the OIO salary scale (appendix 1).
  2. Upon commencement of employment the OIO is paid the salary assigned according to current salary scale OIO-1.
  3. At the start of the OIOs employment the OIOs working experience may be taken into consideration when determining the salary, in departure from paragraph 2.
  4. The OIO’s salary is periodically increased to the next higher sum on the OIO salary scale. The first periodic increase is awarded as from the first day of the month in which one year has passed since employment and then after each year, regarding what is stated in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7.
  5. The OIO’s salary is periodically increased to the next higher sum on the OIO salary scale, unless the employer finds that the OIO does not function properly. In that case article 3.4, paragraph 3 is fully applicable (denial of periodic salary increase).
  6. If temporary employment is entered into whether or not in the interim, the periodic scaling up to the next step will occur proportionately.
  7. No more increments are granted once salary step 4 has been reached.
  8. OIOs are not eligible for an allowance for irregular work or overtime pay.

Article 9.4 Training and supervision plan

  1. The employer shall see to it that, after consultation with the OIO and in agreement with the relevant supervisors, a customized training and supervision plan is drawn up for each OIO and that this plan is adopted within three months of the OIO’s employment.
  2. If necessary, the training and supervision plan is adjusted from year to year.
  3. The training and supervision plan specify, in any case,
    a. the knowledge and skills that need to be acquired and how this should take place
    b. the names of the OIO’s supervisor and promotor
    c. the minimum number of hours of supervision per month
    d. that upon commencement of the doctoral research as well as during moments that are decisive for progress of the research, but at least once a year the OIO will meet with the supervisor to discuss the progress of the doctoral research.
  4. With a view to training and the development of competences and career development a compulsory part of the annual planning and assessment interview will be to agree on the allocation of a maximum of ten days of vacation leave. The value of the ten leave days is described in a budget available to each OIO per OIO-year (year 1 through 4). The obligatory courses on offer are paid by the employer.

Article 9.5 OIO performance and evaluation procedure

  1. One year after the OIO has taken up employed, a performance assessment shall take place, against the backdrop of the training and supervision plan and the objectives of employment.
  2. The employer shall issue instructions with respect to the evaluation procedure and the criteria that are applied for the evaluation of the OIO.

Article 9.6 Dispute settlement

The employer shall lay down rules on the settlement of disputes that may occur between the OIO and persons and bodies involved in the training and supervision.

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