1. Introduction
The Generation Plan Scheme is one of the arrangements stipulated by the parties regarding sustainable employability of employees. The scheme offers employees who are five years of less away from the state pension age (AOW) the possibility of taking extraordinary leave with partial preservation of the salary and with complete pension accrual. The scheme aims to facilitate that employees can continue performing their work activities in a healthy and vital manner until they reach the state pension age. The funds released through this reduction of working hours will be used to have the work that becomes available carried out by the inflow of new, preferably young employees. This will support employers in the realisation of a balanced labour force.
2. Conditions for participation
- On the date on which the participation in the Generation Plan Scheme takes effect
1.1 the employee will have been employed by one of the employers in the Research Institutions sector for at least five years;
1.2 the employee is five years or less away from state pension age; and
1.3 the employee does not have a leave surplus.
- Participation in the scheme cannot take place simultaneously with participation in the Senior Scheme Research Institutions, SROI-2007.
- In case of participation in the scheme, it is not possible to rely on the weekly leave pattern (article 5.2 of the CAO).
- Participants in the “old” Generation Plan Scheme of NWO and NWO-I, or the Generation Pact Scheme of the Royal Library, continue participating on the basis of the conditions of said schemes and cannot switch to this Generation Plan Scheme.
3. Form
- The activities of the participant will be adapted in accordance with the modified working hours.
- In pursuance of article 6.9 of the CAO the participant is granted extraordinary leave with partial preservation of remuneration.
- The extraordinary leave for the employee working a full working week amounts to at least 20% and at most 40% of the scope of the employment, in all instances with rounding (upwards at 0.5) in whole hours. The leave applies proportionately to employees with a part-time employment. The percentage of extraordinary leave cannot exceed 40%.
- For employees who participate in the scheme for 20% of the employment it is possible, at the request of the employee and with consent of the employer, to increase the percentage of participation to 40%.This means, for example, a 90% continued payment for a 80% working week or an 80% continued payment for a 60% working week.
- The participant receives 50% of the remuneration on the granted extraordinary leave
- The pension accrual and the distribution of premium payments by employer and employee do not change as a result of participation in the scheme.
- During the participation in the scheme holiday leave will be accrued pro rata to the remaining working hours.
4. Reallocation of activities
- The participant and the manager establish arrangements regarding which activities will be performed during the period of extraordinary leave and how the activities that are no longer performed will be reassigned.
Special attention should be paid to the prevention of an irresponsible increase in work pressure for the employee who intends to participate and for the direct colleagues.
- The funds released as a result of the employee’s participation in the scheme will be used to allow the inflow of new, preferably young employees for the performance of the activities to be reassigned.
5. Preconditions
- Taking into account the conditions for participation under point 2, participation in the scheme is open to everyone, unless compelling business interests dictate otherwise.
- Employees with a leave surplus (article 5.3 paragraph 5 of the CAO) are expected to use their surplus leave first before participating in the scheme.
- During participation in this scheme, the employee’s deployability in the event of partial incapacity for work is no higher than his actual working week.
- If a participating employee is fully incapacitated for work, participation can be terminated early at the request of the employee. In the event of long-term full incapacity for work, participation in this scheme will terminate before the end of a year of incapacity for work, and the employee will return to his original appointment.
- Without prejudice to the Related Activities Scheme / Code of Conduct at institution level, in addition to the reduced employment in connection with the Generation Plan Scheme no new income from employment may be earned.